Participants Database Add-Ons
These plugins extend the functionality of and add features to the Participants Database plugin.
Showing all 24 results
Dynamic Form Interactions
Add dynamic interactions to your Participants Database forms that change the structure of the form based on user actions.
Combo Multisearch
A Participants Database Add-On providing two different configurable multiple-field search capabilities.
Multi-Relational Database
Expands Participants Database into a relational database. Define different types of record to represent and interact with complex data structures.
This plugin also provides a way to use Participants Database as several separate databases.
Participant Log
Adds a dynamic list of entries to each record. Log work hours, attendance records, list your collection, places you’ve been…adds a whole new dimension to your Participants Database record.
Email Expansion Kit
Provides several new ways to send emails with Participants Database, including email on approval, resend signup email, and custom email to selected records in the list.
Field Group Tabs
Adds a tabbed interface to forms and single record displays. If you have a large number of fields, this plugin is essential!
Image Expansion Kit
Adds enhanced image display, multi-file drag-and-drop uploads, and image management capabilities to Participants Database
Directory Tools
Essential for anyone using Participants Database as an online directory, this plugin selectively exposes all your entries to search engines.
Also includes favorites and star rating widgets.
Participants Database User Profile
Expand the WordPress user profile with unlimited Participants Database fields. Automatically create a WP user account with a Participants Database signup form. Provide a frontend profile page for your WordPress users.
Participant Login
Provides username/password access to edit a Participants Database record.
Participant Log Timecards
This add-on provides a simple, secure way for volunteers, contract workers, or employees to log their hours and any other information about their work shift.
Pretty Permalinks
Use a configurable pretty permalink to access a Participants Database record!
User Wish Lists
Gives your site users a way to keep their own selection lists of Participants Database records.
Participant Log/Timecards Bundle
Bundles the Participant Log and Participant Log Timecards plugins together at a single price.
Spam Trap
Spam Trap for Participants Database protects your signup forms from human-generated spam.Ā
Signature Field
Adds a new field type to Participants Database which provides a space for the user to scribble in their signature.
Adds a Google reCAPTCHA human user verification control to the Participants Database signup form.
Locations Map
Shows a customizable Google map with location markers for all your Participants Database records.
MailChimp Integration
Integrates Participants Database with your MailChimp account.
This plugin adds a configurable pop-upĀ datepicker to all date fields.
Chosen Selector
Adds a “Chosen” Selector with an enhanced UI and auto-suggest
Contact Button
Provides a secure “contact” button for your lists and single record displays.
PDb Polylang Adapter
Adds full support for the Polylang plugin to Participants Database
HTML5 Form Elements
Adds several useful mobile-ready HTML5 input types and enables HTML5 client-side validation.
Showing all 24 results