Responsive layouts are increasingly a necessity in current web design. More and more people will access your site using devices with small screens, and really, screens of a wide variety of sizes and aspect ratios. A responsive layout is a layout that can accommodate all the possible devices: it is responsive to the size and… (read)
The PDb_Template helper class makes setting up a custom display for a Participants Database record much easier in situations where you don’t want to just loop through the values. Sometimes you don’t want to treat each value the same, you want to lay out each value in a way that fits the information better. This… (read)
So far, we’ve covered some CSS Syntax, How CSS Rules Work, and How to Create New CSS Rules. In this article, we’ll look at how to add CSS rules to your WordPress site. Making Permanent Changes to the CSS Once you’ve determined how your CSS needs to change to get what you want, you’ll need… (read)
At this point in the series, we’ve covered some basic CSS syntax, and learned to seeĀ how CSS rules are affecting the appearance of a web page elementĀ and test some changes. Now, we’re going to look at some techniques for creating new CSS rules to changeĀ the appearance of your page elements. Creating Effective CSS Rules Using… (read)
OK, so we covered some essential CSS syntax in the previous article. Now, we’re going to see the CSS at work on a web page. Inspecting Page Elements To change the appearance of an element on a page, the first thing to do is understand why it looks the way it does. This means seeing… (read)
Here is a handy quick reference guide for the most common CSS selectors.
WordPress CSS Basics I get a lot of support questions for making changes to the layout of my plugin, Participants Database. While the whole subject of the use of CSS to format web pages is vast, I’m going to try to describe some simple techniques so users with limited CSS skills can make changes. In… (read)