Participants Database (PDB) provides a completely independent database on your WordPress site. The means that normally, the rest of the site will have limited ways in which can interact with PDB records. This also means that Participants Database records have have limited visibility to the world of search engines and social media. Proxy Posts are… (read)
The add-ons we offer here are connected to an automated update system so that updates are available on the Plugin page in your site admin. Normally, you only need to click update to get the latest version. I does happen on occasion that the update system fails and these updates are not available directly. In… (read)
In providing examples of how to create custom code for your site, I often use the service GitHub Gist to host the code. It turns out this is actually pretty convenient for sharing code because you can easily download it and use it on your site. Here is how that is done: go to the… (read)
A problem I occasionally see with Participants Database is dates that are entered end up being saved as 1 day later or earlier. This problem and it’s solution is a little bit complicated, so I’ll take a minute to explain how this happens. The basic reason for the problem has to do with timezone setting… (read)
In authoring a plugin, I’ve found that itĀ can beĀ difficult to reliably find the path to the WordPress install root. The convention is to use the WordPress constant ABSPATH, and that works for most installations, but increasingly, people are using alternate directory structures. ThatĀ is helpful for development, but can make things tricky for a plugin developer… (read)
So far, we’ve covered some CSS Syntax, How CSS Rules Work, and How to Create New CSS Rules. In this article, we’ll look at how to add CSS rules to your WordPress site. Making Permanent Changes to the CSS Once you’ve determined how your CSS needs to change to get what you want, you’ll need… (read)
At this point in the series, we’ve covered some basic CSS syntax, and learned to seeĀ how CSS rules are affecting the appearance of a web page elementĀ and test some changes. Now, we’re going to look at some techniques for creating new CSS rules to changeĀ the appearance of your page elements. Creating Effective CSS Rules Using… (read)
OK, so we covered some essential CSS syntax in the previous article. Now, we’re going to see the CSS at work on a web page. Inspecting Page Elements To change the appearance of an element on a page, the first thing to do is understand why it looks the way it does. This means seeing… (read)