Terms of Service

The software provided on this site is provided in the hope that it will be helpful, but without warranty or promise that it will fulfill a specific purpose or be free of flaws, bugs, or other limitations.

Use of this website is conditional upon your treating others with respect, respecting the copyright holders of any content found on the site, and not trying to mess with anything with shady hacks. Thank you, now go have fun.


If you find any of the premium plugins purchased here are not suitable for your purposes and are not going to use them, you can request a refund within 90 days of purchase. When requesting a refund, please refer to the specific purchase so the refund can be issued.

Premium Plugin Licensing

Our premium plugins are licensed for a single site for the life of the plugin. If you purchase one of our plugins, you will continue to receive updates as long as we are issuing them. The license also includes individual technical support to get everything working on your site. If you want to install the paid plugin on multiple public sites, we ask you to buy a license for each one.

Licensing is not needed for development and staging sites that do not carry public traffic.

All our paid plugins carry a GPL license, which means you can modify them to your purposes and use them in your projects without limitation.