Backend User Access Control

The Participants Database plugin has its own set of access control points where users can be allowed/disallowed to perform specific functions. On this page is a list of those functions and the context term used to identify them.

The “default role” column indicates the plugin (not WP) role that is allowed access to the action. The plugin roles are assigned to WP roles in the plugin settings under the admin tab. This allows the use of custom roles within the plugin, but defaults to using the common WP roles. These roles are the minimum role that can access the feature, roles with higher levels of privilege can also access those features.

ContextDefault RoleDescription
delete participantsadmindelete records in the admin list
with selected actionsadminuse the general “with selected” actions on the admin list
access admin field groupsadminview or edit fields that are in an “admin” field group
main admin menueditoruse the plugin menu in the admin
list participantseditorview the list of records in the admin
edit participanteditoredit records in the admin
add participanteditorcreate a new record in the admin
manage fieldsadminuse the Manage Database Fields page
upload csvadminuse the CSV import page
setup guideadminuse the “setup guide” page
plugin settingsadminuse the plugin settings page
export csvadminexport the records as a CSV (also available as a plugin setting)
forms not validatedadminfield validation not checked on new records or updates

Here are a couple of how-to articles on customizing user roles with Participants Database: